dimanche 19 avril 2020

60 ILLUSTRATED NEEDS for the friends all over the world !

The 60 illustrated needs are now avaible with conscious participation :

In English : https://gum.co/IWhsu

In Arabic : https://gum.co/tOtkZ

In Castellano : https://gum.co/yaPGn

In French : https://gum.co/UPrEc

Thanks a lot to the traductors : Rita Ayoub for the Arabic traduction, Nat Alie and Anne Bonew for their support to the English traduction and Maica M Martin for the Castellano traduction.
Don't hesitate to share these links with your friends from all countries .

With love

vendredi 17 avril 2020

Apprentie girafe sur Facebook

Apprentie Girafe c'est un blog et c'est aussi une page Facebook.
Au plaisir de vous y croiser :)

